Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Paulie&Virginia Welch. These two are my grandparents,from my mom's side. Just recently found this photo of them. Family holds a certain history and heritage in everyone. As we've looked at Exodus at church, it's amazing to comprehend, the people we are looking at are spiritual ancestors, those called and chosen by God. The dynamics of family change within the context of knowing God. It's comforting and warming, to know those who you worship, learn, and pray with are considered your brothers and sisters under the covenant of the cross. I love it! When I began to surrender my life to Christ and follow Him, it brought me great joy to know that others considered me a family heir, through Christ. Something extremely special about that, your lives are eternally connected. Unfortunately this is not always true with biological family members. I question alot of the family history. It's amazing how God uses wonderful photos like this one I found to bring out the treasure of time and family.

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