Sunday, February 3, 2008

global mission sunday

today at church, the emphasis on missions, reminded me of the most recent trip to India/Nepal in October to encourage the believers there and celebrate a church plant. spreading Christ's supremacy in a nation that is drowning in idolatry and wickedness. this is the message of hope. in the three years i have collaborated with my brothers and sisters in Christ at UAB, to feed a meal to internationals, because i've seen the despair overseas and Christ's love compels me to reach out. there are so many nations here in Birmingham, just wondering around, like lost sheep. how can it be any clearer? we are a selfish generation, missing some of the greatest riches God's kingdom offers here on earth. when i reflect on the two ladies from China who began a relationship in trusting the knowledge of Salvation in Christ, i am humbled to have been part of their journey. the grace i've experienced in pioneering the --international dinner-- is teaching me the trusting confidence in knowing God.

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