Monday, April 30, 2012

Hello World

This little baby came in due time, after two weeks of pre-labor (most of which I assumed was actual labor), 3 visits to the hospital to be sent back home, and beginning to almost "roll" from place to place. My experience like most, was unpredictable. You can plan, plan, plan, but the divine appointment that awaits you (ie. labor & delivery) does not always follow suit. 
We arrived at the hospital for the 3rd time in two weeks to be told that I was still in pre-labor, and yet to begin active-labor. Amazing how long you can labor, before actually making ANY progress. Regardless of how you deliver, medicated or not, the labor intensive experience is as natural as you can get..and there's no way around it until right before delivery if you choose. The night led into day, Palm Sunday, and I was shortly admitted. Dilation resumed at a steady 4cm, but my water sac ( if this is "tmi"-skip this post- I'm not one for leaving out details ) was bulging, my cervix was way high, and little baby was way, way low, making for a complicated scenario. Not long after we were settled into a birthing suite, my nurse arrived chipper and buoyant announcing that " we're about to have us a baby! " For any of you first-time moms, you know how excited, nervous, and dumb-founded I was once we heard this news. Have a baby?? I've carried the baby, dreamed of the baby, talked to the baby, but...actually having the baby..clueless. Even after all the books (which I didn't remember one word of) and seeing my sister have four of her own, there are not words to describe the latter 5-6 hours of my life. Only that my husband was an amazing coach, my nurse rocked & at about half-way through delivery I felt like I had known her my whole life. As the doctor casually made his way in just before the baby arrived, my whole life changed, just like that. 
For thirty minutes I envisioned running up a hill at every contraction, and then descending that same hill. As a runner for most of my life, alot of my life is related to my running experiences. The gritty, the glorious ( like finishing ), and the connection I find in my spirit with my Creator. My motivation came from this place, both in persevering for 9 months and later through labor and delivery. But, paling in comparison to a run, this was the most incredible experience and rewarding season of my life.

"For you shall go out in joy
    and be led forth in peace;the mountains and the hills before you    shall break forth into singing,    and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." 
(Isaiah 55:12)

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