Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Art for Haiti Mothers

Our pastor's wife recently joined a team to travel to Haiti. The same place I visited last year, the Caanan Orphanage/ Haiti Nutrition Clinic. The team, which also included my husband, spent hours sorting through medical supplies, records, organizing a pharmacy, and meeting local Haitians at the Nutrition Clinic. Most village mothers are taught that breastfeeding their babies will cause death or serious illness if the milk is a certain color. The taboo culture and folk tales have shaped too many families in Haiti, (re:article NY Times) causing malnourishment, self-detachment, abandonment, and confusion. Healthcare and/or health education is not an ordinary passing rite like here in the U.S. Our parents are telling us from the time we can walk about eating our veggies, resting, exercising, and most have more than their share of bonding time with us throughout our lives. 
Upon return of their trip, the team regrouped and discussed what they observed and others shared what they hoped to do to make a difference. One being, education on breastfeeding for mothers. Somehow setting in motion a program or partnership to provide skills, materials, and hope for these families that result in early malnourishment due to lack of food. "One person can make a difference" is what my mom constantly told me when I faced challenges alone or ideas that placed me in the minority. I've taken that with me my whole life, and have reaped it's fruit many times. You soon realize, you're only alone in these epiphany moments for a short time, God provides the help you need along the way. I've had the privilege of helping my pastor's wife in a small way, through art. In turn, the art piece represents this idea of educating mothers in Haiti (empowering) and created to inspire partnerships and prayers for the endeavor. Donations are being accepted via City Arts Boutique in Woodlawn. Our church will be returning in March and I hope many more are inspired to make a difference there. I  <3 Haiti. 

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